Новости ПАНИ
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Товстоган Александр Анатольевич
- Категория: Новости
- Просмотров: 868
The Ministry of Digital Development has prepared a list of Russian social networks
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Товстоган Александр Анатольевич
- Категория: Новости
- Просмотров: 881
The Ministry of Digital Development of Russia has prepared a list of domestic analogues of foreign sites and applications from 15 categories, the press service of the department told RIA Novosti.
"The Ministry of Digital Transformation sends a list of recommended Russian services and IT solutions that can be used instead of foreign analogues," the statement says.
The list included social networks and instant messengers, educational resources, document editors, video conferencing programs, accommodation booking services, air tickets and electronic communication platforms.
The ministry notes that most of the portals were a priority for the Russians even before the restrictions, and the blocking of foreign platforms will only help increase the audience and expand their functionality.
According to the list, Russians are invited to use social networks and instant messengers VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, YARUS, TamTam, My World, ICQ, Telegram, Yappy and Frisbee. As mail services, "Mail.ru Mail" and "My office mail", "Yandex.Mail" and Tegu are suitable. Instead of Zoom, Zello, and Discord, you can use Sferum, Mail.ru Video Calls, VK Video Calls, and Yandex.Telebridge services to organize video conferences, and My Office, P7- Office" and "Yandex 360".
In February and March, some foreign IT companies announced their decision to leave the Russian market, after which their services became inaccessible to residents of the country. In addition, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow in March banned Facebook* and Instagram* in Russia for extremist activities. At the meeting, a representative of the Prosecutor General's Office that filed a lawsuit noted that Russian users of these social networks would not be punished for bypassing blocking.
In addition, on Thursday, Roskomnadzor announced that Google had been banned from distributing advertising for the company and its information resources, as well as informing search engines of Internet users about a violation of Russian law by a foreign person. According to the report, the measures will be in effect until the company eliminates violations.
* The activity of Meta (social networks Facebook and Instagram) is banned in Russia as extremist.
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Товстоган Александр Анатольевич
- Категория: Новости
- Просмотров: 843
9 апреля 2010 года решением Президиума Петровской академии наук и искусств при Отделении социальных технологий и общественной безопасности создан научно-исследовательский институт дистанционного образования (НИИ ДО ПАНИ) Официальный сайт НИИ ДО ПАНИ www.niido.ru С обоснованием создания нового института и его материального и кадрового обеспечения выступил Юнацкевич Петр Иванович, вице-президент ПАНИ.
Директором НИИ ДО ПАНИ утвержден член ПАНИ по отделению социальных технологий и общественной безопасности Товстоган Александр Анатольевич. Институт создан для обеспечения исполнения обязательств ОСБ ПАНИ как официального участника Плана взаимодействия государств-участников СНГ по расширению применения дистанционных образовательных технологий на период до 2012 года, утвержденного Решением глав правительств государств-участников СНГ от 20 ноября 2009 года.
Президент Петровской академии наук и искусств Леонид Александрович Майборода подчеркнул важность участия ПАНИ в межгосударственном плане СНГ и возрастании роли научной общественности, участвующей в деятельности ПАНИ, в формировании единого (общего) образовательного пространства СНГ.
Created by NII DO PANI
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Товстоган Александр Анатольевич
- Категория: Новости
- Просмотров: 318
On April 9, 2010, by the decision of the Presidium of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts under the Department of Social Technologies and Public Security, the Research Institute of Distance Education (NIIDO PANI) was established. Official website of the NIIDO PANI www.niido.ru Yunatskevich Petr Ivanovich, Vice-President of PANI spoke.
Alexander Tovstogan, a member of the PANI Department of Social Technologies and Public Security, was approved as the Director of the Research Institute for Doing PANI. The Institute was established to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of the PANI OSB as an official participant in the Plan of Interaction between the CIS Member States to expand the use of distance learning technologies for the period up to 2012, approved by the Decision of the Heads of Government of the CIS Member States dated November 20, 2009.
The President of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Leonid Alexandrovich Maiboroda, emphasized the importance of the participation of PANI in the interstate plan of the CIS and the growing role of the scientific community participating in the activities of PANI in the formation of a single (common) educational space of the CIS.
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